One can't help but note that the 1960 Awake talked like the communist movements all over the world were under the direct beck and call of Moscow. In fact, this was by no means the case. Not even all of Eastern Europe was under the direction of the Soviet Union:
- e.g. Yugoslavia had very much "done its own thing" from the word go, and Albania gravitated towards the Peoples Republic of China.
Furthermore, by 1960 (if not before) China had very much parted company with Moscow.
So much for Crazy Fred's ideas about "The King of the North"! (Though to be fair, he wasn't the only one misled by ideas about the "Communist Bloc" being led by the Soviet Union. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger both had deluded ideas about being able to get the Soviet Union to "call off" the North Vietnamese, and thus end the Vietnam War).